Saturday, May 12, 2018

Inspiring Others

I am on several FACEBOOK dental sites that are only open to dentists. We discuss, we argue, we educate and we learn. And as you know, I have been on internet dental forums for 20 years. My position is to ALWAYS advocate for EXCELLENCE. I have 7,000 hours of high level Continuing Education so that I can provide the best dentistry that I can for you, my patients. I want other dentists, especially young dentists, to do the same thing for their patients. Sadly, many dentists have very little PASSION for dentistry but that does not prevent me from trying to make their lives better.

This is what a young dentist wrote on one of the dentist only FACEBOOK GROUPS:

"Chris Young Gerald Benjamin I love your confidence. If even half of dentists thought like you then people would start to treat dentists with more respect and dentists would do better work. I hope to be like you one day, FFS (Fee for Service) and doing excellent dentistry that I’m proud to show my colleges and charge an appropriate fee for the amazing service I provide. I love your passion for dentistry! Most days I forget how much we change lives but today I had a patient come back to me and I let her come back and all she did was thank me. I’m not gonna lie, for a relatively new dentist it felt good and I want to feel this way all the time."

I responded to the post by saying, "I am honored by your comments."

Every dentist should strive for excellence. Every dentist should love what we do. And every dentist should learn to always put their patient's best interest above their own.

know that I am asking a lot but I believe every word of it.