Monday, April 20, 2020

Shake Your Head

You know that dentists are only permitted to see emergency patients during the Pandemic. I was scheduled to see a patient for a new patient examination on May 18 but the patient called stating that he had  a problem.

The patient sent me an X-Ray of the painful tooth and stated that his tooth hurt and the gum tissue was swollen. I looked at the X-Ray and sent it up to Root Canal Experts so that Dr. Banchs could look at to see if he should see the patient for a 3-D Scan? The tooth had a previous root canal but the tooth was still infected. Dr. Banchs that that it would be beneficial for him to see the patient and we gave his office the patient's cell phone number.

A few hours later, I get an email from Root Canal Experts stating that the patient did not want to pay for a consultation.

When Tricia told me this, I asked her to call the patient and cancel his upcoming appointment in our office.

As EVERYONE knows, I am interested in taking care of my patient in the best possible way and always doing the right thing. Obviously this person was not interested in Excellent Clinical Dentistry and cannot stay in our office.

If a patient wants mediocre dental care, there are many, many dental offices to select from. If a patient wants EXCELLENCE, they have a handful of dental offices capable of delivering that quality of dentistry.

For me, it is about taking care of patients that want to be taken care of..
It is NEVER about the money.