Monday, April 6, 2020

Just so You Know

As you know, most dentists are closed by order of the Department of Health except to perform EMERGENCY treatment. As one would expect, there are always dentists who will cheat and just continue with their regular scheduling.

My online colleagues say that they are seeing 10 emergency patients a DAY.

Our office has been closed for 3 weeks and I have had 3 emergency calls. THREE.


Because the treatment that we provide is performed at the highest possible way that I can. ONE PATIENT PER HOUR..

Do my crowns fall off? NOPE

Do my bonded resin fillings fall out or rot out? NOPE

Are you having a crown placed and then develop a toothache? NOPE.

I do my very best to take care of YOU. You may pay more at the time of treatment but you won't have 'issues' with my work and if you go out 10-20 years, you will see that you actually paid less than at other offices.

Think about that.