Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Simply Amazing

Last night at about 10:30, I received this very kind note via email:

Dr Benjamin, When my son Steven was in third grade, 8 yrs old, he fell and chipped his front tooth on his way home from a birthday party. He was terribly distraught when he get home so I called you. Even though it was a Saturday, you told me to bring him into the office. He had gone to bed and had fallen asleep and I told you that so you said to let him sleep and to bring him in on Sunday morning. You fixed his tooth (using a blue light) and he was once again a happy camper. His mother was also very appreciative. He is now 40 years old and he just had to have the procedure redone. What a good thing you did that day so many years ago. I thought you might like to hear his story and to hear how your great work lasted 32 years! Thanks once again. Sincerely,

32 years ago was a period in my career before I went on a CE (Continuing Education)  explosion that ultimate includes about 7200 hours of World Class Continuing Education. Back then, a was a young average dentist. My work has almost always stood the test of time. The oldest crown that I can keep track of is about 45 years old. A crown that I placed on my wife's tooth, 1 year out of school laster 30 years.

I am very grateful for Steven's mother's email. Do you really think that Steven's mom remembers or cares about what I charged her 32 years ago?