Saturday, February 28, 2009

Encourage Your Children to Become a Dentist

I decided that I wanted to be a dentist when I was 9 years old. There has not been a day in more than 30 years that I have regretting my choice of a life career. One of the few 'failures' that I have had during my career is that I have not been successful in encouraging one child to become a dentist. Not One. Dentistry offers so much for those that enter the profession: Art, science, crafts, medicine, surgery or all of the above at the same time. Because dentists are among the most trusted professions, we learn a great deal about our patients: their joys, sorrows, difficulties and successes. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to care for another human being in an ethical and concerned manner.
I would like to suggest to those that read this post and have children that you encourage your children to consider Dentistry as a life career. They will thank you for it.
I love being a dentist.