Saturday, February 21, 2009

What about me?

We use the term cosmetic dentistry to describe fixing front teeth. Someone suggested recently that I describe dental problems that can be changed with cosmetic dentistry because everyone wants to know, "What about ME? What about MY teeth? Can he fix MY smile?"
When I meet a new patient for the first time at a consultation appointment, the first thing I ask the person is, "What brought you here and what are you looking for?" The concerns that people have about their smiles or appearance are:
1. The size of my teeth; my teeth are getting really short and it makes me look old
2. The gaps between my teeth; I have always hated the spaces
3. My teeth are all different colors; my old fillings don't match my teeth
4. My teeth are dark; I want white teeth again
5. My teeth are crooked; I always wanted straight teeth.
6. I show too much gum tissue; I hate my gummy smile and I want to look normal.
7. My teeth are chipping at the edges. I want full size teeth again
I can help you change anything that you don't like about your smile. If you don't see your particular problem with your smile on this list, please email me or call for an appointment so that we can discuss ways to improve how you look . People love to see other people smile and if you are ashamed to smile, don't wait....... Call today for an appointment.