Friday, March 27, 2009

Dental Marketing

We are all influenced by marketing...Some marking is accurate, informative and helpful. Other marketing tries to convince us that something is not what it is. In general, marketing is a technique for making the average look special so that we buy it. Let me give you an example. Those that market dental services will use the term "metal free" in dental advertising which gives the public the idea that "metal free" is a better type of dentistry. This IS NOT CORRECT. There is no better dental material than gold. There is no worse material than non precious metal (ie no gold) as a dental material. "Metal free" is being used to convince you, the public, that the dentist is practicing a 'higher' or more technologically advanced type of dentistry. Great dentists use metal materials in dentistry and mediocre dentists are often "metal free."
What is my advice? Go to the best educated and most skilled dentist with a proven track record demonstrated by photographs of many cases whether or not they use metal in their treatment. Like everything else...There are good metals and bad metals: gold and titanium are good while mercury and non precious are questionable.
Don't let the marketing folks fool you into thinking the mediocrity is a form of Excellence.
If anyone would like to discuss this topic, please call my office at 518 583-1116 and I will find the time to chat with you. On a personal note, I just had some of the broken porcelain crowns on my back teeth replaced with GOLD.