Friday, March 27, 2009

All dentists are the same, right?

Let me let you in on a little secret...There are good dentists, average dentists and how shall I say it...less than average dentists. This should really be no surprise to you since it is the same with any profession or industry. We have all had less than average car mechanics , plumbers or teachers who did not meet our expectations. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Bill Gates are definitely not average in their respective fields. You may have to do a little homework and invest some time in finding a dentist who is truly excellent . It definitely will be worth your time and effort.
A good friend of mine who lives in Buffalo called me up three years ago and said to me, " Do you know that you did a crown for me 30 years ago and it is still in my mouth?" From a consumer standpoint, there is no better value than excellent dentistry.
Find good people to take care of you be it your physician, lawyer, accountant or auto mechanic. Quality costs more but it is worth it.