Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Everybody makes mistakes"

My wife and I were dining with another couple who happen to be dentists. The restaurant had many other dentists that night because the New York Dental Society was in town for its annual meeting. Dentists like to talk dental talk and one of the visiting dentists made the comment that
'everybody makes mistakes.' The dentist and I both responded with, "No! Not everyone makes mistakes." What we meant by that was that if you plan dental treatment thoroughly, if you spend a sufficient amount of time for the treatment, if you have the knowledge, training and skill and lastly if you have the ethical standards to do the right thing then the likelihood of a successful outcome for your patient is very predictable.
People (dentists included) have less than acceptable outcomes when they plan poorly, rush through treatment, take a weekend course, and really don't care about what they are doing.
Trust me when I tell you that I absolutely hate to fail and for that reason, I will always do my very best to take care of you.
Please select the people that take care of you carefully. Good and competent people exist but as I have stated before, you will have to take some time to find them.
No one is perfect but not 'everyone makes mistakes.'