Friday, June 19, 2009

Let's stop the destruction

The removal of beautiful healthy natural tooth structure (enamel) in order to place a crown is a procedure that IN MY OPINION is over used. The placement of a crown most definitely has its use in dentistry but in my practice it is a treatment of last resort.
As many of you know, I have been a dentist for more than 30 years and 15 years ago, I realized that we (dentists) were removing too much tooth structure too much of the time...We could not help it because that is how we were trained and technology had not progressed to the point that we had any alternatives. 15 years ago I started doing bonded onlays because when teeth were really broken down I was able to save more tooth structure with an onlay than if I placed a crown. This was a big step forward in my effort to save as much healthy tooth structure as I could.
About 6-7 years ago, dental manufacturers started producing wonderful resins called nanohybrids which which are incredibly strong materials to fix back teeth (We have had good materials for about 20 years) and with these materials and learning from the best resin dentists in the world, I have been able to restore teeth WITHOUT having to remove any significant amounts of natural tooth structure.
Let's set the record straight: I could make far more money by placing crowns instead of very strong, beautiful bonded resin fillings. Yes these fillings cost more than other dentist's fillings but they cost less than 1/3 of the cost of crowns AND you get to keep far more of your own beautiful natural tooth... (God's materials are far better than mine.) Remember: When a crown have to take out the tooth and have an implant.
Why do I place beautiful bonded resin fillings? To help you save your teeth.
If you want me to cut down your teeth and spend more money in the process...Just make that request.
I sincerely doubt that you want me to cut down your teeth unnecessarily. I took an oath in 1977 to do no harm and to ALWAYS put my patient's best interest first. Saving teeth with bonded resin fillings helps me keep my oath.