Friday, July 31, 2009

Am I Crazy ? (Not really)

Many of the new patients that we see who come to us specifically for "cosmetic dentistry" are told that fixing your teeth is NOT the best way to treat their appearance related dental problems. I actually turn away business because the patients have problems that really should not be corrected by cutting away beautiful,natural tooth structure. I send these patients to one of the local othrodontists who will actually move the teeth into the correct place instead of me cutting healthy tooth structure. I am not crazy for wanting to see what is best for YOU even if it means that I will not earn any income from you.
Do I need the money? Yes!!! But as I have told you before, I would never EVER hurt a patient for my personal benefit. Your best interest is my only conern.
Competence, ethics and caring is what make me,my staff and our office different than other dental practices.