Thursday, July 21, 2011

Word Gets Around

My job is to take care of my patients and be the best dentist that I can be. I have never wanted to be a dentist/celebrity like many dentists but I am fairly well known in my profession for the work that I do.

A patient was in our office today for some treatment and she told me the story about her recent trip to Spain. There were sand storms in Europe that grounded flights causing passengers to spend two days at the airport. My patient was in line for several hours and she began a conversation with the relatively young couple behind her in line. They told her that they were both dentists in Houston, Texas and my patient informed them that she went to a dentist in Saratoga Springs, NY. They told her that one of the best dentists was Gerald Benjamin in Saratoga at which point she smiled and let them know that Dr. Benjamin WAS her dentist.

I am honored to be recognized for the work that I do for you. It should make you and I very happy.