Monday, March 12, 2012

How We are Perceived by Others

I really enjoy one of the newest magazines to arrive in the Capital District, HERLIFE. The publisher and editor of the magazine is Angela Beddoe and we see each other around Saratoga quite often. Angie has told me that the magazine would be doing a feature story about me and my office and she was going to have a writer contact me for a phone interview. Ann Butenas contacted me as I was waiting for a flight to go to Chicago for a meeting and we spoke for about an hour as she questioned me to learn as much about me as possible. I previewed article this past weekend and I thought that it was well written and extremely accurate in describing me. The most important thing that I want people to know is that the pursuit of excellence is what drives me and what makes me who I am.
This evening Ann sent me an email and said, "Dr. Benjamin--I saw this quote today and thought of you:

Excellence is...caring more than others think is wise;
Risking more than others think is safe;
Dreaming more than others think is practical.
Expecting more than others think is possible.
-- Winston Churchill

I am thrilled that Ann was able to learn how important EXCELLENCE is to me...And she learned it in less than one hour.