Sunday, March 4, 2012

There Is No Hope

Most people that know me know that I have tried to bring my alma mata,UB Dental School into the 21st century for the last 17 years. I had made arrangements to drive to Buffalo Thursday evening and meet the new interim Chairwoman, Dr. Brewer on Friday morning to discuss what I feel the school must teach in order to be capable of taking care of patients and earn a living.

As I was taking my shower, I realized that I would expend a great deal of energy in driving 700 miles,lose a days income and spend just under a thousand dollars and the Dental School would still remain in the 1980s. It just may be time to give up that fight because in the end, I will still be one of UBs most renown clincial dentists and the University will remain as it has been. There are better places to expend my energies that will have a greater likelihood of success.

University faculty, in my opinion, are like politicians...they want things to remain as they are regardless whether they are doing a good job or not.

I cannot continue to fight a fight that I have no hope of winning. This must have been the proverbial "ah ha moment" in which things look surprisingly clear with great understanding.

The University 'wins' but in doing so, their students will lose.