Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Great Day at Work

For the record...I made NO money yesterday even though I worked from 8AM to 3:30 PM. Fridays are an interesting day and either I have a large, complex case or I do some lab work and go home early.

But yesterday was different.

Dr. Steven Messing, a periodontist, and I performed some interdisciplinary treatment for our mutual patient in my office. The periodontal surgery and restorative dentistry took about 1.5 hours and was a complete success.
My next patient is extremely challenging and I am working out the details in his mouth so that we have little chance of failure.

Dr. Banchs then asked me to see his Mother to place some fillings in the root canals that he was just completing before she returns home to Venezuala.

I finished my day with a two and a half hour mentoring session with a local dentist who is trying her best to learn the complex aspects of providing dental treatment. I feel that helping other dentists reach their next level of excellence is one of the most valuable things that I can do with my 35 years of experience.

Susan and I then went for coffee at Uncommon Grounds at about 4:15 and at 5:30 we joined Dr. Banchs at the Adelphi Hotel for a glass of wine.

What a fabulous day! And I didn't earn a penny.