Friday, March 29, 2013

Passion and Excellence

I have been criticized many times by dentists who do not accept the fact that the elite dentists in my profession set the standards of excellence for the rest of the dentists. I do not set the standards but I have devoted my professional career to pursuing those who stand for exceptionalism in dentistry.
That said, many dentists become very upset when they are informed that no individual dentist can set the standards so that each dentist decides for him and herself what excellence is or is not.

What each dentist must decide for themselves is whether they want to elevate their knowledge and skills so that they too can become excellent clinicians.  Most dentists will decide that it takes too much effort, time and money to make the commitment to excellence.

I am a most fortunate human being in that I was born with the gene for passion...the ability and desire to devote myself to one thing.

I am also fortunate that my "personality" is such that I accept the concept of excellence.

The Tiger Woods, the Michael Jordans, the Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets all have a passion for what they do and the desire to constantly improve...They are never satisfied with what they have done and strive to get better at their chosen interest....And they don't do it for the money.

They do it because they have the passion for the profession and they strive for excellence.

Don't you wish we all could be like that?