Friday, March 15, 2013

We Did it Again

I have told you about this one of a kind course in which three dental specialists and myself are providing for continuing education for 20 local dentists. The course began 3 years ago and we are in the final stages of treatment for this one very lucky patient. We have performed necessary extractions, the implants to replace those missing teeth, root canal treatment for infected teeth, orthodontic treatment to place the teeth in the correct positions and crowns and veneers to completely restore this patients mouth to ideal health.

We are charging her NOTHING.  The dentists that are taking the course have paid our group of dental educators NOTHING.  We did this for the challenge and to elevate our profession for the local dental community.

I do not believe that a course like ours is being offered or taught anywhere else in the country.

The four dental educators are paying for all costs and  providing full days of treatment  at absolutely no charge. Put another way, not only are we not charging the patient and paying for all expenses but we are also giving up the opportunity to EARN money.

This selflessness is what being a true professional is about.  Our country is slowly losing the professional class  and we only have ourselves to blame.

Professionals are being replaced by insurance dependent dentists who must produce volume dentistry rather than excellent care and by physicians who spend 3-5 minutes with their patients.

Who will be left to offer their time, effort, incredible talent and experience to teach the next generation of professionals?

I don't know but it is something to think about.