Sunday, March 10, 2013

This is What We have Been Working Towards

Donna always leaves me a message in a new patient's chart when they will be having a consultation with me as their first appointment. In that message, she will use the patient's exact words explaining why they want a consultation or a second opinion. I was looking at my schedule for the next two weeks and saw the following message for my new patient:

"The patient has  a crown on #18 and  her new dentist said it has a fractured; not really confident of him a lot of people told her to come here."

What we are hearing from many new patients is that "everyone' has told them that they need to become Dr. Benjamin's patient."

I have worked my entire professional career trying to build a stellar reputation so that our office would be "THE dental office of excellence."

Fortunately for me, I am doing the best clinical dentistry of my career at this point in time and will do my very best to take care of my new patients in the best possible way.

I want to be like Sandy Kofax, the Dodger's pitcher who left baseball at the top of his game.