Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Is That Really Your Patient?"

I am always amazed when people that I meet ask me if the photos in my magazine ads (HERLIFE, Saratoga Living and Capital Living) are actually my patients and my work.

On the opening page of this website ( there is a statement that all photos are of actual patients that I have treated.

I guess folks can be suspicious of the photos because if you go to many dentist's websites, you see the SAME photo of a woman smiling. Yes those photos are purchased from a photographic website that will sell you a picture of anything that you want.

I ONLY show actual work that I have completed in my ads and on my website. Occasionally, I go to other dentist's websites from other states and I find photos of my work on their websites...And that bothers my staff more than it bothers me.

If you are going to other dentists for consultations or treatment, make sure that the photos of dentistry has actually been done by the dentist that you are meeting with.