Thursday, August 27, 2015

It"s Criminal

I saw a new patient today who had been examined at a corporate style dental practice. The twenty eight year old woman was told that she needed two root canals and three crowns. Obviously, the patient was upset with her diagnosis and treatment plan. Fortunately, she spoke with one of her childhood friends who had had a root canal by Dr. Banchs and she told her that she needed a second opinion.

Dr. Banchs found no need for root canal therapy and could find no reason for any crowns. He told his patient that he thought that she needed to find a new dentist and made some recommendations.

When I examined my patient's x-rays and her teeth, I knew that this patient had been 'misinformed.'
What I did see is retained tooth decay under some resin fillings.

I am sorry...people can make as much money as they want as long as it is honestly earned and benefits the patient, the customer or the client.

How much have Dr. Banchs and I saved the patient? Two root canals and three crowns would roughly cost $8,000. The patient will pay less than $1,000 for her three direct resin bonded fillings.
And people say that I am expensive.

You can always trust Root Canal Experts and me to do the right thing...take care of YOU.