Saturday, July 27, 2019

Conservative based dentistry

Newton Fahl and I have many things in common. One of them is that neither of us cuts down teeth for crowns UNLESS there is no other option especially for our younger patients.  Newton and I have both mastered resin based dentistry which allows us to save as much natural tooth structure as possible and permits teeth to be kept for a lifetime.

I have told you that the vast majority of people who have been my patient for 25,30, 35 and even 40 years have virtually all the teeth that they started with me years ago. And that is because I don't destroy your teeth for my economic benefit.

I place HUNDREDS of implant support crowns a year but on my LONG-TERM patients only one or two...


Because my patients have very few crowns.

The more crowns that you have, the more likely that you will ultimately lose teeth and have some implants.

The most common reasons that people lose teeth;

1. Having large silver/mercury fillings (Amalgams) that split teeth
2. Poorly done root canals (Which is why you should  go to Root Canal Experts)
3. Having many crowns that ultimately fail and many times cause the tooth to be lost as well.

So while I am not as good as Newton Fahl, we are both committed to saving your teeth with strong, correctly bonded, resin posterior fillings.

Dentistry for a lifetime.