Saturday, July 27, 2019

You Need to Read This (This is NOT political..unless you want it to be.)

Empathy and sympathy and what is referred to as 'humanity' are strictly human qualities. When someone tells you that their child is very sick or that they have been diagnosed with cancer, most of us will offer our concern for that person. It is what we do.

In today's New York Times, Roger Cohen writes about a young woman that was repeatedly raped when Isis soldiers took over their Yazidi town in Iraq.  After freeing herself from sexual slavery she started a campaign out to end mass rape in war. In addition to the rapes, her mother and 6 brothers were killed by Isis soldiers.

For her efforts she was awarded a Noble Peace Prize.

When the President met the young woman in the Oval Office, he asked her,"  “They gave it to you for what reason?”

I don't care if you like the President or not  but when you cannot show your compassion, empathy, and sympathy for being raped repeated (as were thousands of Yazidi women), I have to question your humanity and ask why you are the most powerful man in the world?

If you want to read the article for yourself: