Monday, March 30, 2020

Just So That You Know.

I was looking for an email address and an email popped up dated October 18, 2007. Our office Recession began July, 2007 when the headlines in the New York Times read: Congress starts to pay attention to Wall Street ie the Housing Credit Crunch.

The problem? I had no patients despite sitting in my office for 10 hours a day. And no one told me that we were on the verge of the Great Recession.

I sent an email to the manager of the lab I had been working with explaining my woes and the possibility of moving to Saratoga Springs.

This is the email that Tom sent to me:

Dr. B.,

You're one of the finest dentists I've know, clinically and professionally. Your patients have ben receiving the finest in quality care with you as their dentist. More people need to understand that. Maybe a move to a more patient friendly area would be best. They certainly would never be better served with you as their dentist.


This was very gratifying to see again especially at a time when again, I have no patients.