Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lecturing in Maryland

The definition of an "expert" is a person that lectures more than 100 miles from home.
Last weekend I travelled to Baltimore, Maryland to give a full day lecture to the Maryland Academy of General Dentistry which has the reputation of providing the finest educational programs in the country. Dr. Peter Collins, my periodontist, and I lectured to 23 other dentists who have at least 1,000 hours of continuing education on how we plan and treat our patients to attain the beautiful results for our patients. In the afternoon session, I taught a 'hands on' program to teach the other dentists how to do the beautiful and strong bonded white fillings for which I have become nationally recognized.(Aside: Your dentist is teaching other dentists how to place FILLINGS, imagine that.)
I am honored that the Maryland AGD would ask an "old country dentist" to present a lecture to its members. I have certainly 'travelled' a great distance since establishing my practice in Cropseyville, NY 30 years ago. I strongly believe that my best dentistry will be performed in the years ahead in my new and beautiful Saratoga office.
Let's continue the journey together.