Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It makes me sad

A few weeks ago I met and examined a nice young man who had visited my website to help him find a new dentist. The man travelled an hour and a half to my office in Saratoga from his home in Vermont. The Air force National Guard demands that all members be in perfect health including their dental health and last year the man went to a new dentist prior to beginning Summer training. His dentist placed almost 20 white fillings in his mouth and every single one of them had failed....FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am saddened when one of my colleagues lacks training, skill or ethical standards which results in treatment falling below the standards of acceptable (let alone excellent).
My new patient will have to travel a long distance, spend hours in my dental chair and invest a fair amount of money to have the less than ideal work redone. After a two hour appointment in which I restored several teeth, my new patient recognized that he was in the right office and was being treated by someone who actually loved being a dentist.
Once again, I encourage all of you to find the RIGHT people (physicians, lawyers, accountants and dentists) to take care of you and your family. Excellent professionals are available to take care of you but it will take some effort to find them...It COULD save your life.