Friday, April 10, 2009


Our new office treats my long time patients as well as an entirely new group of patients that don't know very much about us. Our new patients have been to our website where they see our beautiful work or they have received or heard our marketing. When we actually start dental treatment for our new patients, they almost universally tell me or my staff that they did not know that this level of dentistry existed. They are surprised (pleasantly) by how well they are treated by my long time staff, by the gentleness of the treatment, by how I interact with Tricia and Janine, my fabulous assistants and lastly by the quality and beauty of the results.
We all know that there is a definite difference in cars (Lexus vs Kia) ,houses, general contractors and plastic surgeons. Most of us are shocked to learn that NOT all dentists are the same which surprises ME a great deal. A dentist is not a dentist is not a dentist. We all went to dental school and were granted a license by the State to practice dentistry and after that, we are all on our own to have the profession and career that we want. As most of you know, dentistry is my life, my passion, my hobby and what I do for enjoyment but because I did not come from a wealthy family, it is also how I earn my living.
Please select people to take care of you that love what they do and you also will be pleasantly surprised how well you are treated.