Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"I Want You to be My Dentist"

It is always a great honor when another dentist selects me to be their dentist. It is more impressive when the dentist is from out of town, will travel 4 hours and knows me only by my work that he has seen on the internet.
I have been communicating by email with this young dentist from Pennsylvania for several years and he recently broke a back tooth and doesn't want his tooth cut down for a crown. I have become nationally recognized for my ability to place beautiful and strong bonded white fillings in back teeth with minimal removal of natural tooth structure.
I am always thrilled when a patient selects ME as their dentist because of my reputation for giving my patients fine restorative dentistry rather than because I am located down the street from their home or office.
I have many dentists as patients and I am honored to be 'the dentists dentist.' Perhaps this will give YOU food for thought and select the dentist that other dentists select as their dentist....I hope so.