Friday, September 25, 2009

The Next Generation

It is an obligation of all of us to help prepare the next generation care for and lead the nation after we 'retire from life.' I do not believe that anyone would argue with that statement.
For the last 5 years I have made an attempt to reach out to younger dentists to help them take the path of excellence to provide great dentistry for their patients. Sometimes young dentists call me because an older dentist or specialist told them that that is what they needed to do. Other times, I call young dentists and ask them if they would like to join me for dinner so that we can get to know each other. I do this so that we help our young colleagues decide whether to go down the path of mediocrity or become a master at their craft.
I must be honest with you when I tell you that the old dentists of Troy hated when a young dentist moved into town. They wouldn't socialize with us, they would not offer help or advice in running a dental practice or how to improve our techniques.
I vowed many years ago that when I became an 'older dentist' that I would be generous with my time and knowledge so that young dentists can have the wonderful career in dentistry that I have had.
Last night I hosted four young dentists in a nice restaurant in Saratoga Springs and it was really a great experience for all of us. We are ethically and professionally obligated to support our young professionals as they move from new dentists to established clinicians.
PS. I am going to be restoring teeth for a long time to come.