Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It Is Not Right

Our practice in Saratoga is just starting to pick up (Thank God) and our new patients have a few common similarities. The first is that these patients are all seeking quality dentistry rather than an insurance based dentist. Another, more troublesome similarity is that the vast majority of new patients have had root canals done in the recent past and they all are failing...What is up with this?????
Root canals used to be highly successful but a few years ago, the standard of care changed from making sure that the inside of the tooth was clean to: can we treat the tooth in one hour or less so that the dentist can make the most amount of money.
I am tired of seeing patients who paid their hard earned money to a dentist and having to tell them that they need to be referred to a root canal expert so that the inside of their tooth can finally be clean and the infection resolved. WE CANNOT HAVE INFECTIONS IN OUR BODIES.
Some patients are angry with me for finding their infected tooth while others are extremely grateful for finally explaining why their tooth still hurts.
Buy excellence and you probably only have to pay once. Buy mediocrity and it may cost you more than money.