Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Standard of Excellence

I am honored when one of my colleagues holds my work up as the gold standard for a particular dental treatment. This usually happens several times a month. This morning, a very quality oriented dentist from Georgia posted examples of his recently placed direct postrior resin restorations. Along with the photos of his work, he made the following comments:

"These restorations were done using Artiste, body and enamel shades. I've gone back to Bond It and get much better margins with the fourth generation material and with Surpass. I count Surpass as a fourth generation on steroids. These are not Gerald or Denny quality but bur marks are only on occlusal adjustments."

I am in awe when another dentist cites my work as an example of what all dentists' work should be like. It re-enforces my belief that the treatment that I do for my patients is THE standard of care. And remember...I do not earn my living by destroying your beautiful, natural tooth structure to place crowns like so many other dental professionals. I WANT you to keep your own tooth structure.

I thank my colleagues for their generous praise and I thank YOU for being my patient and recognizing that I am truly here to take care of you.