Sunday, February 27, 2011

It Was MY Fault

I went to Home Depot today to buy a few things for my apartment. I bought six light bulbs and tall kitchen bags and went to the self service check out machines that never have a line. As I was removing the 6 pack of light bulbs from the shopping cart to the scanner, one 2-pack of bulbs fell out of the big package and one bulb broke. The person behind me worked at Home Depot but was just a customer like me and he told me to give the package to the check out clerk and go get another 6 pack of bulbs. My initial and only response was: THIS IS NOT HOME DEPOT'S FAULT. I dropped the light bulp and therefore, I should pay for it.

Not enough folks step up and take responsibility when things don't go right, especially when it involves money. This WAS my fault and I will accept responsibility and I DID pay for it.

Just like in the old days: You break it, you pay for it... The only thing no one can steal from me is my INTEGRITY.

In my office when something goes wrong, I take responsility and ownership. Recently, a patient told me that she didn't like something that I had made for her. I told her that this was not a problem and I would send the work to a different (better) lab. She told me that she had already paid for the work and I told her that it was not a problem; she would NOT have to pay me any more money.

This is what INTEGRITY is all about. You can take my money but you can't take my INTEGRITY.