Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Note From A Colleague

I am always honored when a colleague praises my work. I have worked extremely hard during my almost 35 year career to do the very best for you, my patient. I have spent thousands of hours studying dentistry at a cost of millions of dollars while many of my colleagues were out playing golf or relaxing on Lake George.
I posted photos of some of the direct posterior bonded resin fillings that I placed on Friday on the International ACE Dental Forum. I informed my colleagues of the procedure and what my fee was to my patient. What shocked the other dentists on the Forum was NOT the quality of the work that I was showing to them but that the fee to my patient was soooooooooo inexpensive for the quality of the work that I was showing.Dentists KNOW what fees are appropriate and which are too high or too low. Many dentists wrote me privately stating that my fees are too LOW. One of them, a superb older dentist in California asked me if he could write a piece for my blog telling my patients how low my fees are and how lucky my patients are to have such a talented person as their dentist. I emailed him that he could write such a note but that I was NOT asking him to do that.

Here is his note to me:

Dear friends and patients of Dr. Benjamin,

While I'm a dentist in California, I've been following Dr. Benjamin's work in cosmetic and restorative dentistry for over a decade, since he's been sharing his work as a member of our international study group.

I'd have to say that he's one of the professionals setting the highest standards of what we can accomplish with current materials and technologies today.

Frankly, when I heard what Gerald was charging for his most advanced levels of care, I was somewhat astounded how low the fees were. I hope people in your area have some idea of what Dr. Benjamin is able to accomplish for them and the great VALUE he brings to you in his commitment to your care. I think you are very lucky to have him in New York, and we'd be happy to claim him in California.

This note is completely unsolicited, but I felt it was time to say something, since sometimes we don't know we have a gem when it's in our own pocket.

William C. Domb, DMD
Upland, CA
Director, Inland Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry

I am truly humbled by his note to you, MY PATIENT.