Friday, September 9, 2016

The Game That Our Congressman Play (non political)

I have tried to email both of our Congressmen (Tonko and Gibson) many times and every time I attempt to send them an email, an error message appears.

"You have an invalid email address"

Don't you think that I know each of my email addresses?

This what the Representatives of both Parties do when they don't want to hear our complaints or suggestions. This has happened to me many times when I have tried to contact their offices.

Perhaps you can answer the questions that I wanted to ask our Representatives:

1. Why do I have to begin taking Social Security payments  at 70 years old when I will still be working full time? What difference does it make to Government and aren't I saving the taxpayers money?

2. Why do I have to begin to start spending my retirement savings at age 70 when I will still be working full time? Why does the Government care?  Why doesn't Government leave us alone to make decisions that benefit both the individual AND the Government.

Ask the ole cheer goes: Time to throw the bums out.