Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Adults Who Say Hurtful Things to Children

I was looking at CNN.Com and noted a letter of apology sent to one of the New England Patriot football players. The letter was from the players high school English teacher. The  teacher told the student that  he would never make it to the National Football League.  The letter:

I related to this because after graduating from Andrew Jackson High School  in Queens, NY, I met my high school math teacher on the platform of the New York City subway. She asked me what my plans were and I told her that I would be going to college. She blurted out uncontrollably,


That went into my memory file to serve as an inspiration when things weren't going well in college.

About 20 years later, Andrew Jackson held a 50 year reunion for anyone who had graduated from the school. The college adviser for the really smart kids (obviously NOT my advisor)  was taking tickets and greeting people at the door. Mr. Blatt was also the most accomplished high school Track coach in New York City and I had been on the team for four years.

When Mr. Blatt asked me my name he remarked,

"Did I see DOCTOR before your name?"

Neither teacher thought that I would amount to much.

Adults and especially teachers should not say disparaging things to children...The effects are life long.  My life has been an attempt to prove all the adults wrong who underestimated me.

I know how the football player felt.