Monday, October 8, 2018

Can We Trust Science?

It has been reported several weeks ago that some of the most prominent and important researchers at the renown cancer center, Memorial Sloan Kettering were released by the institution for making millions of dollars from drug companies without the proper reporting. Conflicts of interest are unfortunately common and dangerous.

How do we know what drugs to take when we become ill?

Can we rely on the recommendations of our doctor or are they 'on the take' from the drug companies?

When people steal, it is usually because they are not paid enough to do the job. Virtually every member of Congress is susceptible to being bought by companies because they have to maintain TWO HOMES by law and $179,000 in Washington DC is barely more than minimum wage. Researchers are usually salaried positions and they earn less than physicians in private practice.

Pay people or they will steal. Pay people or you and I may not recover from our illnesses.