Friday, October 19, 2018

I was Censored on Facebook

Many years ago, Newt Gingrich, the House Speaker informed his wife that he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital battling cancer....

No matter which political party you supported, the American people did not respond favorably to the news of what Speaker Gingrich had done...And many referred to him by calling him the slimy layer that forms on a lake....

Facebook said that I violated Community Standards and I responded with an appeal stating that when we censor our history, we are becoming George Owell's 1984 novel in which all memories of the past are destroyed in the 'memory hole.'

I reposted  my original statement with Facebook's official complaint of my on my Homepage....and Facebook relented.....

As long as we do not commit slander or liable, we still have First Amendment protections...

Oh and did I remind you that ole Newt was fined $300,000 for an ethics violation... A true American.