Saturday, January 19, 2019

Either We Are Going to be An Advanced Country Or We Are Not

I went to the bank today, a Saturday, to send a wire payment to a company in Texas. The bank teller tells me that you can't send a wire payment on Saturday because of the high incidence of fraud...So there is NO FRAUD on Monday through Friday?????

So I ask the teller: "Why can't you take the information today and hold it until Tuesday (Monday is Martin Luther King Holiday.) and he says that the bank can't do that.


We will have to decide whether we are going to be a modern nation or not...Businesses work 7 days a week and since my wire payment was going from MY bank to the Companies bank. No humans are needed.

The people that run the government (It is illegal to send a wire payment on a Saturday) are fools and we need to send them back home.