Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Thinking Like This is UNSUSTAINABLE

Over the years, I have blogged  about the loss of excellence in every aspect of American Society and the fact that if Americans refuse to buy excellence, it will cease to exist. I am NOT talking about buying a Mercedes but about seeking excellence when finding people to take care of you: Medically, Dentally, Legally, Accounting etc.

On Monday a 25-30 year patient(who I used to have a business relationship with before he retired) presented to my office with a toothache. After taking an x-ray and performing an examination, I concluded that one of his teeth was infected and that a root canal would be necessary to save the tooth and eliminate the pain. As you know, I refer to one of the finest root canal practices, Root Canal Experts with offices in Albany, Clifton Park and Saratoga Springs. My office obtains an appointment for the patient for the following day as I strongly believe that it is MY job to take care of you even when I am not performing the treatment.

Yesterday, the patient calls and asks if it was OK to see another root canal specialist because they were cheaper..............

NO AND NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are MY patient, you KNOW how I feel about excellence and the need to be seen by THE BEST.


If I am going to place an expensive crown or onlay on your tooth that is having a root canal, that root canal had better be expertly done...NO missed canals and cleaning to the end of each root of the tooth. I rarely see that in any other root canal office except ROOT CANAL EXPERTS.

I do not believe in false equivalency  which is two things with the same name ARE the same.


I will not refer to people that do not take care of you at the highest level. You may select a different specialist to take care of you but that is your choice and not mine. My job is to take care of you.