Thursday, January 17, 2019

We Are All Good

The majority of dentists and quite a few physicians do not really buy into the concept of excellence; they firmly believe that, "Well all dentists are good but maybe one or two are a little better and 1 or 2 are a little worse."

That is like saying, "We are all great golfers" even though there are only 100+ professional golfers on the PGA Tour.

One of my colleagues said that there may be a fabulous dentist in a very small town that no one ever heard of.............I don't think so...

It takes thousands of hours of Continuing Education (CE) and decades of practice to be a really fine clinical dentist...Somebody, in fact, many people would have to see you at all the big meetings or all the super quality courses costing thousands of dollars.

And, if you want to get really good...No extremely are going to have to show the dental world what you are capable of doing.

In any case, no one who is fabulous is sitting in a cornfield producing this unbelievable dentistry and no one knows them...And I should know because at one time, I WAS that dentist sitting in a cornfield.

In every profession, there is the good/bad and the ugly...You should try to find the BEST people to take care of you....because not everyone is the same.