Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to our patients, friends and family (many of which are one and the same.)

We can all hope that 2019 will be a good year for our country and for each of us personally.

2018 was our first 'down' year in 10 years even considering time off following three surgeries. Why, one asks especially since I am continuing to do my best clinical dentistry?

My answer would be that America is changing.We are less appreciative of excellence and demanding more 'quick, easy and cheap.' Is this going to change? Probably not.

How does this affect dentistry? The mouth is a very demanding and challenging environment that is more like a Rainforest than most would like to think. Quick, Easy And Cheap in the mouth leads to more root canals, more crowns, more loss of teeth and more implants which when you add it up, costs  10 times more than having done things right in the first place.

We will continue to strive for dental excellence and take care of you and your family in the very best possible way.

Happy New Year.