Friday, July 24, 2009

Dental Stories

Whenever I go to a party and folks find out that I am a dentist, they spontaneously tell me about their dental problems or dental horror stories. I come away thinking to myself, "And why do you continue to go to your dentist?" Do root canals fail, crowns fall out and new fillings come out of a tooth??? Not really! Root canals performed by a root canal specialist have a 95% success rate. The first crown that I ever placed in my Cropseyville office in 1979 is still in place and I have NEVER had a filling, mercury or resin, fall out.
If you are having problems with your dentistry on a regular need to find a better dentist. Dentistry placed in the modern era by a highly trained and ethical dentist is truly fabulous.
Why is it then that so many folks have problems with their dentistry and tell me their tales of woe at parties??? It tells me that there are a fair number of dentists that aren't interested in learning how to do things right or don't care to do things correctly.
The solution is for folks to look around and find a great dentist...We exist!