Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Metal Free" nonsense

Patients call our office or send emails asking whether we do 'metal free' dentistry.
Our answer is that we don't use mercury in fillings and haven't for almost 20 years.
Engineering and design sciences are a major part of dentistry. Would you like your architect to use weak materials or strong materials when designing your new house?
Many dentists are advertising that they do "metal free dentistry" which is another way of telling you that they are going to use weak materials that will fracture and break much sooner than stronger materials used in traditional dentistry.
Don't be fooled by dentists who want to sell you something rather than do the right thing for you and your family.
Metals DO have a place in dentistry and ,in fact, when the beautiful pieces of (weak) porcelain broke on MY upper second molars, I went back to GOLD CROWNS.