Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Pursuit of Excellence is a Lonely Journey

I am reading the book "Talent is Overrated."
Is Tiger Woods a great golfer because he has the 'golf gene?'
Are World Class chess players better than the rest of us because they are smarter or have better memories?

The answer to both of those questions is 'NO.'

All the the evidence points to the fact that world class individuals have dedicated their lives to 'deliberately practicing' their craft...NON-STOP.

People that know me think that I am odd or different because I think about my work constantly and that I am trying to improve my skills even at an age when most dentists are retiring. They don't get it...And they NEVER will get it.

I study dentistry, I read about it, I go to different institutes to learn from THE BEST in the World. When I watch TV, I point out who had a great dentist and who went to a mediocre one.

Yes I am different just by the fact that I love what I do. I have spent thousands of hours locked in a class room for three and four days at a time and spent millions of dollars to do so.

And why did I do it?

So that I could try to be the best at what I do........for YOU, my patient. I also did it for ME so that I could feel good about myself and the service that I provide to my patients.

Folks just don't understand and that is why the pursuit of excellence is such a lonely journey.