Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One of the Highlights of MY Career

You may remember that I told you that I have had two mentors in my professional career, Dr. Fred McIntyre in Buffalo and Dr. Frank Spear in Seattle, WA and more recently Scottsdale, AZ.
I went to the Spear Institutes's website today and found that Frank had made a video blog in which he mentions ME. He said, "Jerry Benjamin is in Upstate New York and he is a superb dentist who is really, really committed to EXCELLENCE." Frank also said, "Jerry Benjamin is committed to do outstanding dentistry for his patients."

I am so honored that one of the people that I admire and respect for teaching and practicing excellence in dentistry has acknowledged me out thousands of his students that he has taught over the years. This is the kind of recognition that I have sought during my entire 35 year career.

Thank you Frank!

To see the entire video: http://www.speareducation.com/blog/ page down to "Excellence for Dentists at Every Level."