Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Dentistry Is Easy"

This is what a dentist on the ACE Forum posted today. My response to him in a private email was that 'Fabulous dentistry is extraordinarily difficult but mediocre dentistry is indeed easy...Building a Toyota Corolla is quick,easy and cheap but building a Ferrari is challenging."

The dentist emailed me the following: Dentistry is not hard for you either because you love it, you know what to do and you know the expected outcome. Getting to that level is what is hard.

What everyone who knows me recognizes is that my pursuit of excellence on your behalf is non-stop. Good enough is NEVER good enough.

Let me be perfectly honest with you and tell you that I would not go to the average dentist to have MY TEETH fixed because average dentistry has become a very low standard.

I do dentistry for two reasons and two reasons only:
1. I love fixing teeth
2. I have an ethical obligation to do my very best work because you have trusted me to do so.

Dentistry is NOT EASY unless you don't care and I care passionately.

No one can ever say, "He does it for the money."