Sunday, September 25, 2011

Some Dentists Get It

My work in restoring your teeth with minimal destruction of natural tooth structure using bonded resin under a rubber dam is well known around the United States by those dentists who care about improving their skills to take better care of THEIR patients.

A dentist from Georgia wrote the following on the ACE Forum today:

Ray, I agree. Here’s a point. This is very expensive CE when you consider the flight, room, food, etc. Personally, the mish mash is not what I want any longer. I would prefer that ACE get maybe six top speakers and give use an in depth 7-14 hour program like Kent’s course. It is very difficult for me to find CE that actually adds to my knowledge or what I actually do. I could spend a day with someone like Gerald picking up gems on doing direct composites. That would draw me.

Some dentists understand that it is no longer necessary to remove healthy tooth structure to place a crown 'so that the tooth is stronger.' THE TOOTH IS 100% WEAKER WHEN A DENTIST PLACES A CROWN ON YOUR TOOTH. The day the we strengthened a tooth with a crown or onlay (except when a back tooth has a root canal when a crown is vital for its survival) is OVER.

DON'T let your dentist cut down your teeth. Find a dentist who believes in conserving natural tooth structure because it is better for your teeth and significantly less costly (Better IS CHEAPER in this case.) A direct bonded resin restoration is about $300 and a crown is about $1250.

Only you have the choice...But other dentists want to learn how I do what I do.