Friday, October 14, 2011

Being Looked Up To

I often post my work for professional criticism on the ACE Forum. I beleive that I am a 'good' dentist and my patients believe the same thing. Other dentists can be our harshest critics but I welcome the opportunity to show what I can do for my patients as well as seek constructive criticism from my colleagues.

At this stage of my career, I have been fortunate to be looked upon by my colleagues as 'the standard of excellence' in conservative restorative dentistry. Recently one of my colleagues in Georgia posted the following:

"You guys don't know it but I've seen Bill's stuff. He's world
class...right there with Gerald and Liviu. I cannot for the life of
me understand why it is so damned tough for someone of Bill's class to
become a fellow of the AACD. I would not join for this reason alone."

I never asked to be compared with anyone else; I just show my work for other dentists to offer their comments. It is an honor to be mentioned as one of the standards of excellence.

I do it for you.