Friday, October 7, 2011

Steven Jobs

Many people have called Steven Jobs a 'visionary' because he thought of things well before everyone else. I don't think that he was a visionary. What Steven Jobs did was to give us what we wanted...He found a technological way to give us what we dreamed of having. For instance, in the 1960s or 70's if someone asked a young adult what they wanted they would say that they would like to listen to any record or any song in their music collection any time or any place that they wanted...Steven Jobs gave us just that in an iPod.
If you asked people in the year 2000 what they would love to be able to do, they would have told you that they would love to carry their desktop computer or their laptop IN THEIR POCKET.
Steven Jobs gave us that in the iPhone and then the iPad

What I valued most about Steven Jobs was that he believed many of the same things that I believe. In his 2005 Commencement Address at Stanford University, Jobs told the graduates to follow their hearts and do what they love to do. In fact, he asked the graduates if they knew that they were going to die today, would they do what they had planned to do today.

I love fixing teeth; fixing teeth is what I always wanted to do.I don't get bored or burned out by fixing teeth.

Why would you go to a dentist that does not understand that all health professionals are here to take care of their patients? Why would you go to a dentist that does not love to fix teeth?

Steven Jobs and I could not agree more...find what you love to do and do it.