Saturday, October 1, 2011

Can You Trust What You Read?

I went to a website called SmileFinder.Com which directs patients to dentists for 'cosmetic dentistry.' Of course I searched for myself and I learned that few of the 'facts' that they had listed about me were correct. My date of graduation from SUNY/Buffalo School of Dental Medicine was wrong. The address of my office was wrong and the local dental society of the American Dental Association was wrong.

What does this tell us about who we should trust when we search for information on the internet?

Any time you see a dentist claiming that they are a 'Cosmetic Dentist' they are not telling you the truth. There are about 30 dentists in the United States who obtained Certificate of Proficiency in Esthetic Dentistry from either SUNY/Buffalo (The esthetic program is now closed.) or the University of Minnesota and those 30 dentists can accurately state that they "Are a general dentist with a specialty in Esthetic Dentistry."

Just 30 dentists. I am one of those 30.