Friday, December 16, 2011

From My Staff For the Children

My favorite charity for the last 10-15 years has been Smile Train. This is a most worthwhile charity that corrects cleft lips and palates for children around the world. What makes this group really special is that the wealthy founders of Smile Train pay 100% of the administrative costs so that EVERY PENNY that is donated goes directly for the surgical repair for the children.

Those of us who think that a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile are vital to our overall well-being can understand how important a normal smile is to the development of a young child.

My staff made a contribution to Smile Train in my honor as their Holiday gift to me. Helping others is the best gift that anyone can give to me and I am thankful and grateful for my staff's generosity.

I also want to thank you, my patients, for making our new office a success. We could not help others if it were not for you. I am honored by your trust.